March 2013
On Wednesday, 6 March we had the pleasure to listen to Agnes Chavez, President, Sube, Inc.
Considered a thought leader in 21st century holistic education, she believes that the arts and the creative process in general are powerful “integrating mechanisms”.
Agnes designs innovative solutions to teach and learn holistically. Always working on the cutting edge of art and technology, in 1996 she developed the only comprehensive standard-aligned system for teaching language through art, music and games (Sube) on the market.
In 2011 she founded STEMArts a division of Sube, Inc. which designs projects that integrate STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) and the arts. She has won numerous awards for her creative projects including the renowned “Educational Innovation in the Americas” (INELAM) award in 2006, and the New Mexico Women in Technology Award in 2011.
She has developed curricula and educational programs for Scholastic, 516Arts and Los Alamos National Laboratory and continues to create and exhibit art at international venues.
During her talk she gave us insights into how Sube Teach English thru Art, Music & Games is a unique and comprehensive multisensory approach that is age-appropriate for preschool through 5th grade students.
Designed for the language teacher to teach English to children in a classroom setting, Sube addresses key challenges faced by foreign language instruction
During her hands-on demonstration, she presented ideas and tips to to develop confidence in speaking, and general language skills, with the short time frames allocated for language instruction.
She went on to explain how Sube’s all-in-one-box solution includes step-by-step lesson plans, activity descriptions with built in teaching strategies, assessment tools and all the materials and reproducibles needed to teach a language. “This eliminates hours of prep time and saves years of research,” she added.
Obviously a great idea, Sube is now in over 1000 classrooms in the United States and expanding overseas.
To learn more, visit her or send contact her by email:
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